Since I was about 20, there have been engagements and weddings and babies reported on my Facebook feed every now and then. In the past year or so, however, there seems to have been a constant stream of family news, and this weekend it all culminated in announcements of a wedding, a pregnancy, plus pictures of a new baby - and all these from people I went to school with. It feels really strange that so many people my age are settling down, buying houses, getting married and having children, while I'm living on my own in a studio flat, with up to two years left at uni, and no plans whatsoever of settling down - quite the opposite, in fact, what with all my dreams of moving abroad again once I graduate.
I don't envy these people who have decided to start families when they're young, but I'm not saying I pity them either - it's only natural for people to want different things. What I've seen played out on my news feed again and again (and will no doubt see countless times more) is just so far removed from my own life that it feels strange. Maybe I'll want that too, some day. But not yet. I have other plans, for now.
weheartit |
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