Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Indecisive, who, me?

Yesterday I found myself, yet again, trying to make sense of the Finnish university system in general, and my situation in particular, to a foreign student. I do see why it is complicated; I mean, I'm technically a post-graduate student, since I'm in my 5th year and working on my Master's thesis, but I've never actually graduated. I'm in my last year' (more about that it a bit), but I'm still taking 2nd year BA courses - in a subject where last year I took MA courses. I'm not really in my 5th year at all, since I've only studied 3½ years. I wrote my BA thesis last spring, and I'm planning to have my MA thesis done by the end of the year. And, as it looks now, I'll be graduating with a BA in March 2013, and an MA only two months later.

So, yes, I do see the confusion.

Ok, a quick disclaimer about that last bit - at the moment it seems entirely possible, and if I do decide to leave uni next year, that'll be what happens. The only thing standing in the way of that plan is me, and my own indecisiveness.

To back up a teeny bit, at the beginning of last month I wrote this post, where I talked about my decision to sort myself out so that I could graduate 6 months earlier than planned, because I want to move back to the UK (still not sure if it'll be London or Edinburgh, that changes on a daily basis). Since then, a few ideas have settled themselves into my head, one after the other, so that it's now pretty crammed... Here's a bit of a sped up version of what's been going on in my head lately:

- So, I want to graduate by Christmas '13 so that I can move back to the UK after that.

- Unleeeess... You're allowed to do a second Erasmus exchange, aren't you?

- If I'm moving to the UK anyway, I might as well spend a year at a university there first - preferably one a bit less shit than the previous one, but I'm not too fussy... And I still have several months of student benefits left, so there's no reason why not!

- Right, I'll check which places got no applications for this autumn, at least I should have a chance to get a place at those... Aberdeen, cool... Wales, the uni's in the middle of nowhere, but there's a really cool program there... And then I'll try Glasgow, just in case...

- ...Although, I should probably find out if that interpreting program in Stockholm is going to be on next year...

- Naah, I don't really fancy going to Stockholm at the moment, I can always do that later...

- Actually, should I just graduate next spring, and then move to London, or Edinburgh, and start working?

-Oh, look, internships in London, and they're even sort of paid ones... Hmm...

So, basically, I've gone from one option to four: exchange, move to London, move to Edinburgh, internship. But at least I've come far enough to know that I want to get my 300 uni credits together by May next year, and then head abroad. Now I just need to figure out the how? and the where?

Surprisingly appropriate, this! From: wehearit
Oh, and PS: If anyone's actually reading this on a regular basis, I'm sure you're really tired of all these changing plans already, but trust me, so is (probably) my family and friends! It's just the way I am, and it probably won't stop here.


  1. OM jag sku va du, skulle jag nu försöka få studierna slut först. Sen försöka fast hitta nån praktik där du vill vara (t.ex söka till både London och Edinburgh). Man vet ju aldrig - den där praktiken kan ju sen vara helt huippu och du kan fortsätta jobba där sen. Problemet om du nu far igen på utbyte, så måste du IGEN komma hem i något skede.. Och IGEN fundera om vad du vill.. Så om jag sku va du, sku ja avsluta studierna och sen fara maailmalle. Då är du mycket mera fri! :)

  2. Alltså pointen är just den, att om jag far på utbyte, så då sku jag ren vara så långt här hemma att jag inte behöver komma tillbaka, och samma med den där praktikplatsen. Som sagt har jag av nån underlig anledning lyckats få ihop så mycket studiepoäng att jag kan bli färdig i maj. Frågan är bara: tar jag ut pappren i maj eller inte? :)


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