Anna challenged me to write 8 random things about myself. She did hers by using pictures from the andthatswhoiam-tumblr, and because I've recently picked out a bunch of pictures from there to post on here at some point, I decided to do the same. The main challenge for me was to choose only 8, but I'll probably post some more later on.
1. This is something that becomes terribly evident whenever I'm supposed to be doing uni work. I start working on something, or reading an article, and soon I find myself doing something completely different. Not good when studying for exams, but luckily we have very few exams.
2. This is something of a recurring theme here, I suppose. The city I live in is definitely what feels most like home in Finland, more so than the town I grew up in. But Scotland feels just as much like home, even though I lived there for less than a year. London used to feel like home, but it's been ages since I visited, so I'm no longer sure. Clearly this sense of home has nothing to do with time spent in a place, because although I lived in the French Alps for a year, that isn't home to me. Anyway, I've just come to the conclusion that I have many homes (as you can see from the quote at the top of this page).
3. I rarely receive letters anymore. When I was living in France and London, I sent and received tons of letters, and I've saved them all, too. That feeling when you find a letter when you get home, the excitement, the knowledge that someone took the time to sit down and write to you. Love it!
4. Oh yes. Way too much. On tiny things as well, that no one else probably remembers, or even noticed. But I kick myself for every tiny little thing for ages and ages. I really should stop.
5. This may seem like just a skill, but it is very much part of who I am, because I've spoken at least two languages all my life, and it's shaped my identity and the way I communicate a lot. It's also played a large part in putting me where I am today.
6. Less so than I used to be, I'd say, but I'm still rather picky, I'm afraid. A friend from uni (i.e. someone who hasn't known me from when I was younger, and a lot pickier) recently said "Well, if Jenni likes it, then it's got to be good!", so people seem to be well aware of this fact. Sometimes it's just things I decided as a child that I don't like, and haven't eaten since. I've been trying a few of those things lately, and found, to my surprise, that I actually do quite like Christmas food, for example. Who would have thought it?!
7. This has been a dream of mine for ages. Recently, however, my view of the publishing industry changed a lot when I realised just how rubbish you can be, and still get published if you have the right connections/are really lucky/some other unknown factor. It made it all seem a little bit easier, maybe, and a lot more unfair, too.
8. This I've also mentioned before. And I'm doing it right now with Rihanna's Stay.
So here are my 8 random things! I'm supposed to pass this on to 8 other bloggers, but as I think most people have probably done this one already, I'll just leave it open. Do it if you feel like it!
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