Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Good times in April

I guess this post might be a bit superfluous, as I already told you what I'd be up to this month, but I still wanted to do a little recap on what I've been up to lately - other than work, lots and lots of work.

11.4 - Eddie Izzard's gig in Helsinki. Above, me and my brother being all excited. It's weird when you see someone live that you've seen hours of DVD and YouTube material of, especially when they're standing on a stage a little further away, and you're watching some of the show off large screens. Somehow, your brain doesn't realise that person is actually there in front of you, a few metres away. Sooo, yeah... Great gig!

13.4 - The annual ball. My personal hairdresser (i.e. my brother) did my hair and I went to have my make up done, which also included a bit of tutoring so that hopefully I'll be able to pull it off on my own in the future. Good party, and it's always fun to dress up like that.

17.4 - My friend Mea and I decided to go out for a little stroll in the sun after having lunch at this new Mexican place, and then we had the first outdoor ice cream of the season. Spring is here, and I'm loving it!

20.4 - I celebrated my birthday a day early with a bunch of lovely ladies. We had a really good time, and I got some lovely gifts, plus one really odd one.

21.4 - On the actual day I had my family over. I baked them some yummy tomato-mozzarella-basil pie, and Mea made the pretties birthday cake I've had since I was about 6 and my dad made a cake like a castle.

So that's what I've been up to the past couple of weeks! The reason I'm recapping April now is, of course, because the rest of the month will definitely deserve a post of its own. London is calling on Thursday!


  1. Jenni, du har ju fel månad på alla datum! Du vill väl att det ska bli maj så snabbt som möjligt antar jag, men det kommer inte snabbare även om du skriver att det är maj... :D

  2. Sorry, inte alla datum. Bara de tre första :)

  3. Haha hups, tack att du sa! Andra datum lyckas jag tydligen få fel men inte dom som har med min födelsedag att göra :D


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