I was challenged by Anna to:
1. Open the fourth folder where I keep my pictures
2. Choose the fourth picture and publish it
3. Explain the picture
4. Challenge someone else
So here we go...
Last summer, when the family I was working for went to Spain for a week, I decided to go and have a look at Edinburgh. Things didn't go exactly as planned, though, because thanks to the builders we had in at the time I got locked out and missed my flight (by mere minutes, I might add). I decided to get the next flight, which was at 7am the next morning, and to spend the night at the airport (it was either that, or head home (3h), sleep (3h) and head back (3h)). The next morning, when I finally got to Edinburgh, I was exhausted - the night at Luton was the worst I'd ever had.
I managed to find my way to my host's house (I was couch surfing), and she was really lovely - she told me to take a nap in her room, and that we'd have a little dinner party in the evening. So I had a shower and a nap, and after that I felt muc better. I then headed into town with the French guy who was staying there as well, to get some French cheese for the dinner party - there would be five guests from different countries, and everyone was making something from their own country. This picture is from Victoria Street, where the cheesemonger's was - it's a really pretty street, with the different levels and coloured shopfronts, and the buildings are all very different from the ones in London. I had a really great time in Edinburgh, and I hope I get to go back there soon!
And as for challenging someone else to do the same, I'll go for Fanny!
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