Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Screwed over & pissed off

About three months ago I had an interview for a summer job on a cruise ship.
Exactly two months ago I had a 4-day trial period on said ship.
A month or so later I called them to ask for any news. They didn't have any.
So I called again the following week.
And the week after that.
And the week after that.
Finally, I get the hold of someone who promises to figure things out for me.
A week later, exactly two months after having been on the ship, I get an e-mail:

Unfortunately we are unable to offer you scheduled work for the summer, although we will probably need people to stand in on short notice. You should contact us on a regular basis throughout the summer to let us know when you are available, and we will then call you as soon as something comes up.

Yeeeah... Not really what I was hoping for after all this time! So it looks like my summer will be spent with the phone in my hand, not daring to make any kind of plans in case maybe, just maybe they call. Awesome.

To end this on a higher note, here are some lovely examples of the imaginativeness of my English students that I discovered while correcting their (78!!) tests:
(correct sentence in bold, student's suggestion in italics.)

He is allowed to... - He is assembled to...
I had to leave early. - I was dedicated to leave early.
One mouse, many mice - One mouse, many mousies (how cute! mousies! :D )
Our brain discharges the hormone melatonin - Our brain executes the hormone melatonin.
And, finally:
...which regulates all organisms. - ...which regulates all orgasms.

Teaching definitely has its perks!


  1. Lienee aika ottaa periaatteeksi että tuon tokan tiedustelun jälkeen voi jo käskeä niitä suksimaan helvettiin ja pitämään työnsä. Tuntuu et tänä keväänä työnantajat saa jotain erityistä nautintoa siitä että nuoria roikutetaan epätietoisina kuukausikaupalla.

  2. Niinpä! Tällä kertaa ei ollut muita vaihtoehtoja tiedossa, mutta ihan hyvin olisi voinut olla muitakin, niin koita siinä sitten päättää kun se ykkösvaihtoehto panttaa päätöksiään kuukausia! Reilu meininki...

  3. Who regulates all orgasms? I want a word... ;)

  4. In the case of the organisms, it was an internal clock, but I wish I knew the answer to that, too! ;)

  5. Maria Hernandez6 May 2011 at 13:48

    Mousies is the cutest thing I've ever read and I'm pretty sure I would be able to make this kinda mistakes somehow !


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